Welcome to VPAG

Victoria Park is a beautiful park of over 50 acres that is situated between Windmill Hill and Totterdown in South Bristol. It was created in the 1880s (see History section for more details). As well as being home to a range of plants and animals it has various sporting facilities and wonderful views over Bristol.


The Victoria Park Action Group (VPAG) was originally founded in 2002 by a group of local people who wished to raise money for a new playground in the park. In 2003 it broadened its aims and expanded its membership and has been active in improving the park ever since.
Current aims are:

1. To promote the use, access and benefits of the park within the local community.

2. To assist in the improvement and maintenance of the infrastructure and recreational facilities of the park by volunteering, fundraising, consultation and lobbying.

3. To promote and improve the habitat value of the park for plant-life and wildlife.

4. To promote the education of the public regarding the history, plant-life, wildlife and other aspects of the park.

5. To reduce the incidence of anti-social behaviour in the park.

6. To liaise with Bristol City Council and the local Police on matters concerning the park.

VPAG meets monthly, usually on the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Bowling Club in the park. See Events for date of next meeting.