Bonfire Night

Bonfire night is on the 5th November annually. Unfortunately, it was not on this year due to COVID-19.

Every year, the community gathers wood to create a great bonfire and hundreds of people gather around to watch the spectacle and light sparklers.

Victoria Park Bonfire Night in Bristol 2019 | Families Online
Everyone gathered around the bonfire in 2019

The fire is lit from 6:30 pm every year after the guy competition at 6:00. The competition consists of the competitors bringing in their Guy Fawkes dummies, with the best one being thrown on the bonfire!

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot | Tower of London | Historic Royal Palaces
Guy Fawkes, the man who attempted to blow up parliament in 1605.

Even though this beautiful spectacle has a tradition of of fireworks, there is, unfortunately, no fireworks show each year, however some people do still set off fireworks away from the crowd.